Friday, August 12, 2005

Fun with Digital Cameras

I figured out how to use my self-timer on my camera today. Earlier in the week I frogged my OSW and reknit it, to make it bigger. Good call. I look in this photo as if I am looking up at something intently. I am actually only trying not to look down at the camera, thereby creating scary double chin action. My latest plan is to try and adapt the OSW pattern for little girls in light worsted, so that I can make them for my twin nieces, who will be 4. In about two and a half weeks. And they live in California. No pressure.

I read somewhere once that it's a good idea to carry around your digital camera, and try to take at least one picture every day that pleases you. Then you can keep all these photos, and look at them when you need cheering, or inspiration, or just something to do. That idea really appealed to me, in the same way that I thought the neighbor kid's video collection in American Beauty was really cool. Of course, in the rush of having two little boys, and life in general, I rarely remember to do this myself. But the other day, I had my camera and I was glad, because I didn't want to forget seeing this. In case you are wondering, this is sunset in Everett, Ohio, in the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area.


Blogger Glaistig said...

Wow, that's a beautiful scene. I might just start carrying my digital camera around with me next week and see what turns up!

4:24 PM  

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