Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Believe the Hype

Here's how dedicated I am to finishing things. I worked on Fair Isle while "watching" the Cavs game. Everything you may have heard about LeBron James is true -- he's astounding. His abilities on the court are superhuman. It was not as fun to watch all his basketball pyrotechnics as replays. While I may someday be able to do color knitting with two hands, I doubt I could do it without my eyes. (Sorry for the lousy picture quality, but I couldn't resist.)

I wish the title of this post were also referring to two-handed Fair Isle technique, but alas, no. I was so impatient to finish this hat, I just did it one-handed. Thanks for all your great tips, though! I plan to take a look at those tutorials and put them to use sometime soon for the Norwegian Stockings.

So, I finished something and promptly got all excited about starting something new. Right now, my WIPs are down to two sweaters. I thought, Portable knitting! I need portable knitting! I can start socks! Then I remembered that I have just barely started Kepler, and the first step are the highly portable cable bands. Sigh.

So I've been working on that today, and actually I'm really enjoying it. Cabling without a cable needle is always a thrill, and it's been so long since I picked it up it feels like a new project. I'm thinking about skipping the cable bands for the sleeves, though. Plain sleeves would be less fussy. And, of course, I could finish the sweater faster. Then (to answer your question Glaistig), I could cast on for Forbes Forest! Or Backyard Leaves!


Blogger chris said...

Your hat is SO beautiful!! I'm in awe of your fair isle, two-handed or no. Colorwork just plain impresses me. It looks amazing! That Kepler is going to be beautiful when you finish it, and I'll bet those portable cable bands will fly. BTW, thanks for the tip on the Nicole Kidman movie. I felt an oogy shudder go down my spine when I read your review. ;-)

12:57 AM  
Blogger msubulldog said...

Kepler bands are portable, yes, but chart (and eyes and brain) intensive . . . Of course, I suppose Falling Leaves socks would be too. . . Ugh! I have set aside everything except the gift knitting. I can't afford to cheat right now. :(

2:12 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Very cute hat indeed! Very appropriate for winter gift giving if that's the intent... I always figured that if it works (one handed fair isle knitting) then don't mess with it!

Did you get any funny stares from your fellow spectators for KIPing?

1:51 PM  
Blogger knittinmom said...

I love Kepler! Those cable bands are awesome. But socks are always such a temptation...hmm, what to do, what to do?

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fair Isle! Needle-free cabling! You are a very brave woman. I would say my hat is off to you, but that would be a little too cheesy, even for me.

9:29 PM  

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