In a Place Called Vertigo
Yesterday, I woke up feeling dizzy (or perhaps I should say dizzier than usual), and the feeling just didn't go away. So I went to the urgent care and was informed that I have vertigo. I'm more or less okay, as long as I stay put and don't move my head around. The doctor gave me some meclizine (not to be confused with mescaline), which helps a little.
She said it is probably caused by labyrinthitis. Or could it be ... Jaywalking?
She said it is probably caused by labyrinthitis. Or could it be ... Jaywalking?

Oh no, hope you are feeling better soon. How scary. Great progress on Jaywalker though - love the colors of the yarn!!
I hope you feel better soon! That's not fun. Your Jaywalkers look awesome, though!
Such pretty Jaywalkers! Hope your vertigo resolves quickly - and that you can still knit, sitting still, not moving your head too much.....
When I wake up in the morning feeling dizzy, it's usually the result of a few too many gin and tonics! I do hope you're feeling this only temporary? (I loved your U2 reference, btw, now I've got it in my head.)
I must be the only person in blogland not working up a pair of Jaywalkers, but I am knitting the Broadripple socks from Knitty, and I have to say, they look pretty damn similar. There must be something super-special with the Jaywalkers that I'm not catching on to...
Wow, I hope you're feeling much better Laura. (An image of Jimmy Stewart flashed in my mind when I read the word "vertigo.") Does the meclizine treat the underlying labyrinthitis or just the vertigo symptoms?
Love the sock! I'm no expert but it looks like it could definitely induce vertigo. . . .
Get feeling better! Vertigo is no fun, that's for sure.
And Olga, I'm not working on Jaywalkers either. (Yet. Give me some time though!)
I had that once - terrible feeling. Get well soon, chiquita!
Oh, being dizzy is such a miserable feeling. Hope it goes away soon. Love those Jaywalkers! What yarn is that?
ooh, the jaywalkers are coming along very nicely! Mine don't look nearly as cool as yours... I'll have to scroll through your other 19 posts that I still haven't read yet to find out what yarn you're using that makes such a cool striping pattern..
Happy new year, and sorry I've been missing you for so long...
Ack! So sorry to hear about the vertigo. Though the socks look fabulous . . ..
Yuck - I had vertigo off and on for years in my 20s. It's quite annoying. The sock looks great - I'm planning to start a pair when I get some of my work knitting out of the way...
oh jeepers! hope you are feeling better, laura - vertigo is so unsettling. could be those jaywalker stripes - you did such a nice job, too bad they are messing with your brainwaves. feel better!
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