Pottery Yarn?
Is it just me, or does the new Lion Brand catalog remind you of a well-known housewares and furniture retailer?
I'd offer the well-known adage about lipstick and a pig (you're missed, Governor), but that would hardly be fair. At least, not to the Cashmere Blend.
I'd offer the well-known adage about lipstick and a pig (you're missed, Governor), but that would hardly be fair. At least, not to the Cashmere Blend.
You can't blame the pig for trying!
Putting lipstick on the pig seems to have made it more expensive too. :)
Aww, you better believe we miss Ann! Here is a gratuitous plug for very nice post the boyfriend wrote about her:
my first thought whent hat came int he mail was "my, do they have a new creative director or what?"
I cannot believe that I'm saying this, but it actually struck me as more of a Garnet Hill production. Please don't hate me.
I was kind of sad that it wasn't as laughable as usual! :(
I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. Am I missing something? In a world of high-priced (some would say over-priced)yarns and accessories, I've always been kind of relieved by LB's basic, un-pretentious yarns and patterns. It's nice to see them trying to beautify the look of their catalog. Let's face it; they've got to compete with some pretty scrumptious yarns - and yarn catalogs.
Interesting. I guess LB's moving up in the world. . . :)
Lipstick, yes. But as an ex-graphic designer, I have to applaud when companies finally get their act together and get decent stylists, photogs and designers.
Why don't they understand their niche? There's a real place in the market for cheap yarn. But it has to be inexpensive as well as cheap.
Yes, great new catalog, can't read any of it. It's not meant for old eyes.
You know, when mine arrived, I thought it was Garnet Hill's catalog, too.
But no.
Makes me wonder who is behind this LB marketing facelift...
Thanks for blogging the new new LB catalog. I was not sure of what to say. A Garnet Hill look does not really fit with LB yarn.
Hee. In the words of my three-year-old cousin, 'That's funny'.
I quite like the look of that catalogue. Am I wrong? I've never met any Lion Brand yarn, other than in the archetypal Secret Pal questionnaire question: 'Are you a yarn snob? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand?' - so I guess that's half my answer. But what's so wrong with it? :)
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