Finished Socks and Ashley's Awesomeness

Yarn: Cider Moon Glacier in June Carter
Needles: US 3 Knit Picks Classic Circulars
Sockapalooza socks are done! Hooray! Loved, loved, loved the pattern. Careful observers will note that my socks have fewer swirls than Sulafaye's ... this was no intentional attempt to knit the pattern differently, but rather the sad effect of my apparent inability to read and comprehend. Heh. The yarn ... well, you all know how I feel about Cider Moon Glacier. I am so relieved that I'll be able to send these off in a timely fashion, thus avoiding Blogland Swap-Slacker Ignominy.
Ashley, doyenne of dogged, made me some absolutely beautiful quilted coasters, in return for which she is patiently awaiting some crocheted coasters from me. I took some lovely pictures of them, which would appear here, except that my frickin' camera is being cranky.
She also did me the honor of tagging me as a Rockin' Girl Blogger. This completely made my day. To be recognized as rockin' by one of the rockin'est girl bloggers out there ... well, I was really touched!

Preeti of Expressionist Knits is one of my two bestest friends on the planet. She moved to Cleveland about a year ago, and I was fortunate enough to meet her shortly thereafter. I could never, even if I had a bazillion years, tell you all the amazing things she has done for me in that time. Suffice it to say, I'd be in sad shape without her!
Ellen of Knit Sisters ... she's incredibly smart and incredibly funny. Many are the times that I have felt that I didn't have a laugh left in me, only to read her blog and find myself in giggles. Healing stuff, that humor. Plus, she once sent me the kindest, most encouraging email in response to a comment I left on her blog. I have never properly thanked you for that, Ellen ... it meant more than you can know!
Olga of Yo La Tejo was my very first blogfriend. She is brave, funny, smart, and talented, and she inspires me. Mwah mwah!
Cat of Everyday Life is another rockin' blogfriend. She is incredibly generous and kind. As the name of her blog might suggest, she inspires me to appreciate all the little graces and treasures of our day-to-day existence: a lovely vase of tulips, a perfect breakfast, a quiet evening with a book and a glass of wine. She reminds me to be grateful. Thanks, sweetie.
Finally, I'm going to tag Shannon of knitgrrl. If you've listened to the latest Knit Picks podcast or read the new issue of Vogue Knitting, you know how Shannon rocks. I had the distinct pleasure of taking a crewel class at her studio, Stitch Cleveland, recently and had the best time. She is super fun and welcoming. And I've decided she has the coolest job ever: Professional Crafty Enabler.
Ashley also recently addressed the issue of responding to comments on her blog. Her post was very thoughtful, and she articulated her feelings about blog reading, commenting and responding -- feelings which I share -- far better than I could ever do.
I'm bringing this up because it seems like a good time to let you all know how much I appreciate your comments. The last several years have been difficult ones for me, isolating and lonely in many ways. The community I have found among crafty bloggers has made a huge difference to me. I am very, very grateful to be a part of this.
Also, some big changes are a-brewin' Chez Affiknitty and things are looking up. I'm not quite ready to talk about them with any level of specificity, but the important part for now is that I am becoming increasingly busy. I've not had the time to craft or blog nearly as much as I'd like and the time available for those things is probably not going to increase. So I'd like to say that if you leave a comment, and don't get a response, know that I appreciate it immensely (see preceding paragraph) and it's only lack of time that is preventing me from replying to you personally. Naturally, if I can help with information or similar, I'll do that.
Thanks for your patience, and for just hanging around my little corner of the 'nets. You all rock.
Labels: Knitters Are the Nicest People, My Passion for Socks
What lovely socks. And what a lovely post about your readers and their comments. I hope your busyness is the good kind :)
Those socks look great! Time to queue up yet another pair on Ravelry...
Well, it must be said and I am more than happy to be the first one to note that you certainly bring a lot of joy to my life! I count on your "irrational exuberance" more than you might know.
PS And the socks look GREAT! I like the less-is-more version. ;) Hurray for Glacier!
Your socks are fantastic as usual, and I'm sure it was a relief to complete them on time! I felt that Ashley's comments were very eloquent and well put as well. And good luck with the increased business in your life, hope it's all good stuff;)
your socks are just lovely! nice work, you. :D
btw, i'm in the works of organizing a ravelers mixed cd/yarn swap. once sockapalooza is over and done with. i think it will be fun. :)
Awesome socks! Your pal is very lucky! I completely agree with you on teh comments thing. Hope your busy-ness is the good kind!
OK, blushing.
Honestly, I know you've been in a much more difficult and stressful situation over the past couple years than I have, but I do know what you mean about the blogworld being an important community. I don't have one where I live, for the most part, and I'm grateful to be a part of such a great group of people too. And for reals, you ROCK!
Another beautiful pair - I really want to try these with my Ashbury Park! Hope things are looking up in the most exciting ways!
Lucky sock recipient! Ellen at Knit Sisters cracks me up too. I thought Ashley's comment were very true. I don't have near the number of comments, but sometimes I just swamped with other things. Looking forward to reading about your big changes. Very exciting!
You *totally* rock, lady. The socks are awesome, too!
The socks look fantastic! I really love those colors....must get some of that yarn.
I get excited everytime I see you have a new post up. I have enjoyed reading your blog for awhile now, and I'm glad I finally plucked up the courage to start commenting (oh, internet makes no sense!).
Adorable socks! I actually started a pair myself b/c yours are so amazing...
Good luck with your new endeavors!!!
Adorable socks! I actually started a pair myself b/c yours are so amazing...
Good luck with your new endeavors!!!
You Rock, Sweetheart! I hope you are alright! HUGS!!
Oh, babygirl, thanks for the nod! Big hugs and kisses right back atcha! I'm glad to hear that things are looking up--you certainly deserve the best.
Lovely Sockpal socks! I thought you would be amused to know that I can't imagine saying "Blogland Swap Slacker" aloud, much less five times brain keeps translating it as "slap swacker." Now what the heck would that be? :-P
Laura, I am touched and honored that you would dub me a Rockin' Girl Blogger.
I feel cooler already.
Love the socks, babe! Glad to know that things are looking up Chez Affinity.
Thanks again!
those socks look great - the pattern works perfect with the variegated yarn!
Those socks are super cute!
Awww! ok! duly tagged...thanks so much!
congrats on finishing your sockapalooza socks!
and you knew you rocked already :)
Hi :) I just wanted to say that your sockapalooza socks and package will be mailed soon!! I just returned from a business trip and couldn't send them prior to leaving since that would have been too early ;). love, your sockpal!
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