If there are two things that I love, they are knitting and books. Which makes me a total sucker for books about knitting. I have WAY too many pattern books, and stitch libraries, and knitting magazines, and other various reference works. See? I cannot resist the allure of the Newly Published Pattern Book.

As a knitting porn-type purchase, I have to say it does not disappoint. Lovely, lovely pictures. Lovely, lovely projects. I am all over the Seed Stitch Camisole and the idea of the cardigan on the cover. (Aside gripe: Not that you could ever tell that the sweater on the cover is a cardigan from the photo. No more representational picture appears within. So if you want to know what your FO will look like, use your damn imagination. Ok, venting done.) The book is organized into four chapters, each focused on a different pair of colors. When I saw the "Lime/Lilac" chapter heading, I knew I had to have this book. You know how I feel about that color combo.
Ms. Dallas says that the book was inspired by seaside vacations, and the garments one might need to deal with variable seaside weather. See, this is why I really should be living in England. Because the idea of going to the beach and needing wool socks or gloves actually appeals to me. So, if you're at all like me, you can flip through this book and indulge yourself in a little daydream about British seaside towns and tea and Jane Austen novels and whatnot. And while we're indulging in fantasy, we can imagine our dirty clothes in her diamond seed stitch, white DK cotton handknit laundry bag. Sure. If the worst kind of dirty laundry you have is, say, club-soda-stained, barely worn linen camisoles. Another fantasy, courtesy of this book: ever having the time or inclination or attention span to knit a 4 foot by 5 foot afghan on size 5 needles.
But, generally speaking, I like the book. I can definitely see making several of the projects. And it's not doing a thing to squelch my developing infatuation with Rowan yarns. But don't be looking for that laundry bag among my FOs anytime soon.
Little shrugs, you ask? Um, they're almost done.
Head out this way to Oregon--we have gorgeous (but chilly) beaches! Definitely the hat and jacket type rather than the sunbathing type. Gotta love it!
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